Contact Me

Do you have a burning question that can’t wait? Well, wait no more! You can contact me at the following email address:

[email protected]

I am on a limited schedule, but at the same time I would love to help everyone. So, I ask you to use the search feature on this site, or browse the pages and blog posts, before you contact me. Expect an email or a phone call within 48 hours.

Media requests are welcome

If you are a blogger, a website owner, or a member of the media, please feel free to contact me for your next project. Here are some topics I am very familiar with:

  • Topics related to criminal justice
    • Terrorism
    • White-collar crime
    • Victimology
    • History
    • Corrections
    • Careers
      • academic, physical, and other requirements
      • salary and benefit info
      • advancement requirements
  • Topics related to academia
    • Online education (not only specific to criminal justice)
    • Traditional colleges
    • Accreditation issues
    • Financial aid
    • Student behavior
      • what do student want out of a course, degree program, or college?
      • why would they attend college online? why not?
      • how do potential students search for degree programs? how do they select the right school?
      • factors surrounding student success or failure in academia

Uhmmm… I’m with someone else

I also welcome any feedback or requests from police agencies, academic institutions, non-profit, for-profit organizations, and anyone with an affiliation to “someone else.”